Smart and Aggressive movement

Daniel Mann
1 min readDec 23, 2020

Again I wont have much to talk about. Yesterday I spent the day on indeed looking for jobs. I am supposed to have a phone interview today in a few hours for times supermarket, but I forgot my phone at the place I volunteered at on Monday. Good thing is that I was able to contact the person I helped out through Facebook messenger, but I am not sure I will be able to get my phone in time for my interview.

Yesterday I also fixed my secondary enemy movement. I used transform.position = pos + axis * Mathf.Cos(Time.time * frequency) * magnitude; to give my secondary enemy wave like movement. I also started trying to give my enemy a aggressive movement type, but I did not get around to getting it to work. I should have that done by today, unless I spend the whole time outside getting my phone and doing my interview.

